Helena Almeida, the beautif of colour

She defines herself as a visual artist who sees make-up as an ongoing creative process. She is meticulous, and in every face she sees a blank canvas on which her work is born. Today we want you to meet Helena Almeida, aka Leninha. She has been part of the team for many years. First as a make-up assistant, then working on her own projects. Her style comes from her academic training: a degree in painting from the University of Fine Arts in Porto, then a certificate in make-up from the Patrícia Lima Studio, which together have allowed her to develop balance and harmony in her work.

In every face she works on, we see evidence of her aesthetics and colour theory. Achieving balance and pure beauty is one of her biggest daily challenges. For her, SOUL is soul… Sensitivity, generosity, a brand, a reference, the basis, the intimate surrender of how we are in what we do.

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