In Her Words — Raquel Prates

Photo: Dora António

Model, presenter, curator, businesswoman? Which role best fits you?

All roles are important to me and fully worthy of my attention. I cannot make a distinction between the many roles that deserve my dedication.

Curiously (or not) it is what they have in common. I get that it’s not always visible or apparent to the public, but they are all communication-related.

Have you always been a follower of fashion?

Fashion is a series of infatuations, for many reasons, but also due to the intimate connections with current social contours. Sometimes revisited, sometimes with a new spectrum of language or artistic freedom. But fashion is always about people and their movements, and I find this aspect the most charming and the most important to me.

Was the 39 Concept Store designed in your image? How did it come about?

It was born of the idea to give Lisbon a cosmopolitan and multicultural space. To feature emerging national fashion brands, cultural art movements and new trends, without neglecting our traditions. To create greater proximity and accessibility to various national and international audiences, to take them on a journey of discovery and rediscovery. This is the heart of the 39 Concept Store.

Besides, and based on your earlier question, this is a constantly mutating urban space. Everything that is necessary in a place where people live for people. Which in and of itself creates a new form of communication.

Do you have an object of desire?

We all have desires. For me it has no physical form, because above all I desire the multiplication of moments that create positive memories.

You were recently selected to be the face of the YSL label in Portugal. How important was that to you?

It is the label with which I most identify in terms of attitude and liberty. Not being “afraid” to take risks and to achieve what we set out to do without ever neglecting our principles and values.

For me, this selection is not a partnership or a job; it is a realisation that completes me and comforts me in this never-ending search for a better way of doing and being.

Does Portuguese fashion have a “soul”?

I think it does: sometimes neglected, sometimes renounced and sometimes loved. But fortunately, because it lives for us and in us, it will survive.

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