Porto Dream

Shirt: Unflower
(Left) Shoes: Ambitious; Backpack: Monte Campo; Shirt and shorts: Cravo; Socks stylist own | (Right) Hat: stylist own; Inside shorts: David Catalán; Trousers: Fora de Jogo
(Left) Shoes: True Shoes; Tank top and trousers: Fora de Jogo | (Right) Backpack: Monte Campo; Turtleneck: Fora de Jogo
(Left) Bag: Marta Ponti; Vest: Luís Carvalho; Trousers: Fora de Jogo | (Right) Backpack: Monte Campo; Jacket: Fora de Jogo; Shorts: David Catalán
(Left) Backpack: Monte Campo; Turtleneck and shorts: Fora de Jogo; Socks: stylist own | (Right) Shoes: Dark Collection; Backpack: Monte Campo; Total look: David Catalán
(Left) Boots: Sanjo; Pullover: Fora de Jogo; Shorts: Unflower; Socks: Stytlist own | (Right) Vest: Luís Carvalho
(Left) Vest: Cravo | (Right) Shoes Carlos Santos; Tank top: Fora de Jogo; Coat and pants: Cravo
(Left) Shoes: Boat Dock; Shirt: Unflower; Tank top: David Catalán; Pants: Unflower | (Right) Tank top: Unflower; Inside shorts: David Catalán; Shorts: Luís Carvalho
(Left) Sandals: Campobello;Backpack: Monte Campo; Inside shirt: Cravo; Shirt and shorts: David Catalán; Socks: stylist own | (Right) Shirt: Unflower

Photography: Ricardo Santos
Styling: Joel Alves

Prodution: Snowberry
Make Up: Patrícia Lima with Guerlain products
Hair: Rui Rocha
Model: Iasonas Laios ‘d model’
Set Design: Joaquim Szkutnik da Rocha

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