(Left) Shirt: Casablanca | (Right) Sneakers: Sanjo; Jumper: Jill Sander; Trousers: Stylist archive

(Left) Loafers: Moccs; Polo shirt: Missoni; Trousers: Stylist archive | (Right) Jeans: Levi’s

Boots: Ambitious; Jacket: Maison Margiela; Trousers: Stylist archive

(Left) Bag: Belcinto; Shirt and trousers: Casablanca | (Right) Jumper: Jill Sander

Boots: Wolf & Son; Blazer and shorts: Casablanca

Loafers: Carlos Santos; Jumper: Jill Sander; Trousers: Stylist archive

(Left) Shoes: Valuni; T-shirt: Missoni; Trousers: Stylist archive | (Right) Shirt: Levi’s
Photography: Pedro Afonso
Styling: Fernando Bastos Pereira
Hair: Rui Rocha
Make Up: Helena Almeida
Production: Snowberry
Photo Assistant: Hugo Pais Ribeiro
Styling Assistant: Nelson Lima
Special thanks: Teatro Jordão, Câmara Municipal de Guimarães; Wrong Weather