Talent | unit of currency in Ancient Greece. Aptitudes, whether natural or learned. Ingenuity, predisposition, skill. Talent has been called different things: All seem to point towards some ability or exceptional feat, intended to highlight excellence or a unique quality.
This issue of Portuguese Soul is dedicated to talent. Portuguese talent. To be honest, the theme isn’t exactly new. From the get-go, Portuguese Soul has wanted to show a country full of creativity.
From theatre to dance, from fashion to cuisine, with an eye on all kinds of cultural and artistic expression besides these, Portuguese Soul once again seeks to be a showcase for those fearless Portuguese who dared to think big and discover new worlds.
At a time in Portugal and Europe when the talk of re-industrialisation is again on the table and the theme of sustainability is inevitably part of the conversation, where do we fit in?
Now’s the moment for us, as a people, to drop the doom and gloom, once and for all. This is us doing our bit. To remind ourselves of what we once were, while focusing our attention on what really matters, celebrating what makes us what we are today. Only by doing this can we reinvent ourselves. Ultimately, it’s our roots and our values, as a country and civilization, that will allow us to grow and embark on new conquests.
— Paulo Gonçalves, Editor in Chief
Table of Contents
- Editorial
- Choices With Soul
- A Tribute to Portuguese Culture
- What’s the Formula for Talent?
- Rita.
- Hot New Talents
- Back on Track
- World Footwear Consumption Grows by 6% in 2022
- Facts and Numbers
- Kevin Dias
- Follow Me
- Shall We Dance?
- The It Girl
- Afonso Reis Cabral
- Joana Duarte, Behén
- Roses Are Red
- Fragile
- The Many and Varied Lives of a Hairstylist
- José Paulo: The Midas Touch
- The Boy Who Would Be King
- The Shadow
- From the Small Screen to Adulthood
- Marianne & Narciso
- Blitz Kids
- New Generation
- Living Art
- Sweet Talent
- Vandoma: Timeless Ties
- Guimarães
- Cultural Getaways
- Délia de Carvalho
- Herdmar
- Guimarães Brandig
- Bairro C: Reinterpreting the Past
- Vale de S. Torcato
- Eating in Portugal’s Birthplace
- Tortas de Guimarães