Water Deity

Water Deity? Can water be a deity? To be admired, respected, worshipped as such? To be a symbol of life and fertility? To be a superior being, about which we know little, but without which we cannot live?

With Porto City Park in the backdrop, we went in search of the deity of water.

Boots: Lemon Jelly; Dress: Inês Barreto
(Left) Boots: Apple of Eden; Top and jeans: Hibu; Necklace: Call me Gorgeous | (Right) Boots: J.Reinaldo; Top and trousers: Alexandra Moura
(Left) Top: Inês Barreto; Skirt: Filipe Augusto | (Middle) Dress: Arndes | (Right) Boots: Reve de Flo; Top: Dino Alves; Skirt: Filipe Augusto
Boots: Felmini; Dress: Filipe Augusto
Boots: JJ Heitor; Top and jeans: Gonçalo Peixoto
(Left) Boots: Lemon Jelly; Dress: Inês Barreto | (Right) Boots: Tatuaggi; Sweater: Susana Bettencourt; Dress: Arndes
Boots: Felmini; Dress: Marques’Almeida
Boots: Fly London; Dress: Nuno Baltazar
Boots: J.Reinaldo; Top and trousers: Alexandra Moura
Boots: Felmini; Dress: Marques’Almeida

Photography: Frederico Martins
Styling: Cláudia Barros

Photo Assistant: Pedro Sá, Vicente Sottomayor
Styling Assistant: Maria Sampaio
Make Up: Patrícia Lima
Hair: Rui Rocha
Production: Diogo Oliveira (Lalaland Studios)
Model: Typhaine-Chardayre (BraveModels)
Special thanks: FilmaPorto — Film Commission

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