
Entering the world of Fernando Pessoa presupposes a willingness to live with disquiet, even before diving into the author’s oeuvre.

“This tendency to create another world around me, a world the same as this one but with other people, has never departed from my imagination.” In his life, he assumed three different literary heteronyms — Alberto Caeiro, Álvaro de Campos and Ricardo Reis — and there are records of more than 100 distinct personalities. Bernardo Soares was created as a semi-heteronym, and he was credited with the famous The Book of Disquiet, one of Fernando Pessoa’s most acclaimed works of prose.

Full Look: Filipe Cerejo
(Left) Tank: David Catalán | (Right) Shoes: Centenário; Full look: Filipe Cerejo
(Left) Shoes: Ambitious; Jacket and trousers: Afonso Afonso; Tank: Alexandra Moura | (Right) Tank and trousers: Stylist Own
(Left) Shoes: Nobrand; Tank: Andreia Reimão; Trousers: Afonso Afonso | (Right) Total Look: NOPIN
(Left) Shoes: Miguel Vieira; Total look: Alexandra Moura | (Right) Jacket: Ana Maricato
Pessoa — Hat: Hurricane Lab; Jacket: Estelita Mendonça | Sacha — (Left, up) Total Look: David Catalán; (Left, down) Top: Andreia Reimão; Trousers: Alexandra Moura; (Right, up) Tank: Filipe Cerejo; Trousers: Alexandra Moura; (Right, down) Total Look: Filipe Cerejo
(Left) Jacket: Estelita Mendonça | (Right) T-shirt: Ana Maricato; Shorts: Filipe Cerejo
Shoes: Calçado Penha; Full look: NOPIN
(Left) Total look: Andreia Reimão | (Right) Shoes: Sanjo; Total look: Gabriel Bandeira
(Left) Shoes: Mocc’s; Shirt: Estelita Mendonça; Jacket: Afonso Afonso; Short: Filipe Cerejo | (Right) Total look: Stylist own
(Left) Blazer: Alexandra Moura; Shorts: Filipe Cerejo | (Right) Hat: Hurricane Lab; Jacket: Ana Maricato; Pants: Andreia Reimão

Photography: Ricardo Santos
Styling: Joel Alves

Make Up: Patrícia Lima
Hair: Rui Rocha
Model: Sacha Bilal (Run Model Management)
Set Design: Joaquim Szkutnik da Rocha
Production: Snowberry

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